REGINAR Dietary Supplement Weight Loss Control Natural Quick Burn Fat 10 Capsule
Reginar Regina [10 capsules] weight loss supplement.
Lose weight without dieting Accelerate the metabolism Burns old fat, inhibits new fat formation.
- Burns old fat deposits Inhibit the creation of new fat
- Decay cellulite Slimming
- Adjust the digestive system Correct the problem of constipation
- Green tea (green tea) helps fight free radicals.
Affect the metabolic processes of cells Thus helping in the body's metabolic system
Good fat dissolving Lowering cholesterol levels
The polyphenols in tea leaves can also kill bacteria in the colon.
Can help cleanse the toxins in the body
- White kidney bean (white beans)
Helping to cope with carbohydrates that are excessively necessary for the body.
Because there is a very high amount of fiber in white beans.
- Garcinia extract powder (Garcinia) Garcinia contains HCA or
Hydroxy-citric acid in large amounts with HCA
This has the property to inhibit the accumulation of excess fat in the body.
And can reduce appetite
How to eat
Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast / drink 2-3 glasses of water.
Children and pregnant women should not eat. It is not recommended that people with underlying diseases should not eat.
Should eat all 5 food groups
Registration number 1311495950082
Good Tell's Weight Loss Supplements With 100% natural power 🍇 contains extracts from Garcinia. 🌽 Reduce the difficulty of food, increase and balance the metabolic system better 🥦 Block starch, sugar, fat from accumulating into new fat according to the body, breaking down old fat that has accumulated in the body completely
🍊 Elephant Formula For drug-resistant people, difficult to lose weight, not worn out, no side effects 🍓
1 box of 10 capsules