Neutro Skin Strawberry And Rose Hips Skin Whitening Glutathoine
Product Description
NEUTRO SKIN strawberry stem cell * Gluta's recipe for white water. It's definitely working. Glutathione 35,000,000 mg STRAWBERRY & ROSE HIPS ..unfiltered, skin so beautiful that people turn their backs on the world's most popular pink water bottle, the whitest skin, the easiest acne spot, and the juicy, dewey skin. ... With one bottle of 20ml packed ingredients, it highlights the skin looking bouncy, so it is popular with Korean girls. It is also very white and absorbs quickly by being watery, so it is easy to see results without dizziness. The first bottle also contains Strawberry & Rose Hip stem cells, which are excellent antioxidants because they are grown in cold areas. Extract and see Grape seed. Red grapes extract, a plant with flavonoids, Vitamine, can promote vitamin C and absorb collagen very well. Hyaloronic acid is also a very essential substance. As age increases, these substances decrease from the body, causing wrinkles in the face and skin. Inredients (includes) - Glutathione 35,000,000 nanomg. - Dua Ina Strawberry 5,000,000 mg - Argan stem cell 100,000 mg - Dua Ingrape seed 500,000 mg - Hyaluronic Acid 500,000 mg - Collagen Extract 1,000,000 mg - L-Ascobic Acid 500,000 mg - Alpha Lipoic Acid 50,000 mg Pack size - One box, ten bottles. - One bottle, 20 ml. How to use -Iv Im 1/week - Injected to the vein. Prohibited - Pregnant woman. - Drug allergy history. - Someone with kidney disease. - Someone with a serious identity disorder.