AuraWhite Beau’luxe PlusPowder SC Collagen Stemcell 15X Whitening Supplement
Aura White BeuLuxe SC+ ( MAIN BENEFIT )
- Enriched with high super fruits antioxidant
- Suitable aged between 20 to 60 years old
- Suitable both male and female
- Provides complete skin nutrition
- Help to slow down aging process
- Help to moisturize and enlighten the skin
- Help to reduce wrinkles
- Help fine lines on our face
- Good for nails, hair and cracks on your heels
Aura White BeuLuxe SC+
- The result can be seen in 7 days
- Faster brightening effect
- More elastic and supple skin
- Stimulate collagen production
- Promotes younger looking skin
- Helps enhance the body immune system
- Helps Reduces acne & pigmentation
- Lightens blemishes
- Skin is softer and moisturized
- Helps Reduce hair loss
- Helps Reduce scars and dark spot
- Helps Reduce cellulite
- Helps Reduce stretch marks
- Moisturize dry lips
- Eliminate toxins
- Less joint pain
- Strengthen bones
- Lower cholesterol level
- Increase energy & body’s stamina
- Increase the production of breast milk
- Suitable for both men and women
No prohibited & safe material to use.
Tips : Drinks 8 glasses of water per day
Tips : Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks
Tips : Do not use hot water its may deactivate the nutrients
How To Consume :
- Mix 2 scoops with 120ml cool water, twice daily in the morning before breakfast and at the night before sleep. Please do not use hot water as it may deactivate the nutrients.
- Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
- Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks.
Products :
Complimentary :
FREE 3 unit Shaker
FREE 3 unit Whitening soap