Mixing White Rosegold Prime Perfect Glutathione 48,000,000 mg.
NEW ITEMProduct detailsProduct detailsProduct detailsMixing White RosegoldProduct detailsPrime Perfect Glutathione 48,000,000 mgProduct detailsProduct details
New product, the mother, the mother, packed with gluta, is Mixing White with the most gluta, whitest, very suitable for people who want to use skin, such as going out to various events, see results quickly in the first box. The ingredients are packed with Vitamin C, L-ascobic Acid, which is the ingredient that the body needs the most. It helps reduce various dark spots on the body very well, such as dark spots from acne, from sunburn, Cobalamin helps improve memory, the nervous system, helps sleep more deeply, so growth hormone can be secreted to the fullest.
With the perfect ingredients, packed with Mixing White Pink Gold, it will cause the least drug resistance reaction. And can prevent free radicals to the maximum Which is the cause of premature aging
Product detailsComposition (ingredients):
L-Glutathione 48000000 mg L-Ascobic Acid 150,000 mg Collagen Natural 50000 mg RNA Seleniumum 10000 mg DNA Repair Genetic 10000 mg M-Tranexamic Acid 20000 mg Coenzyme Q10 10000 mg Cobalamin 20000 mg
Package: 1 box 10 sets 1 set 3 bottles.