BABI 6thNature Burns away fat and makes the face smaller 1 vial 10cc
1vial contains 10cc
1 box contains 5 bottles
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Why choose Babi?
We understand the problem of dry, cracked, saggy, and sagging skin after fat is quickly decomposed. As a result, various wrinkle problems follow.
Babi (Babi) was therefore invented to answer the question. Both in helping #Increase fat decomposition and help #lift and nourish. Make your skin look firm. and remains moisturized after using the product Reduce the occurrence of dry, cracked skin. Anti-aging As well as reducing the occurrence of stinging symptoms. The skin is also swollen and bruised.
🔸 Bab 6th Nature (upgrade from Babi Lone) #Stand number one, tighten skin, reduce fat safely.
🔸 Babi Neo One new formula! #Number One tightens skin 2 times faster.
Things you should know about BABI
– Safe from natural extracts No side effects There are no restrictions after doing it.
– Does not contain any ingredients Phosphacideucholine and caffeine (some people drink coffee and their heart palpitates. nuts or egg yolks)
– Lifts and tightens immediately after 20%, pores tighten, no pain, no pain, no redness, no swelling, no need to mix anesthetic. The face is noticeably smaller within 3 days and can be continued within 5 days.
- Release the drug into the fat layer (Approximately 6-7 ml) not more than 0.5cc per point, focusing on spray distribution. If it is too much or the injection is too shallow There may be slight swelling. Apply a cold compress for a while and it will heal normally.
Results from BABI
– Burns away fat and makes the face smaller within 3 days, along with lifting and tightening not sagging
– Better facial skin Tighten pores
– Don't have to do it often. Less pain, do it only 2-3 times.
– No side effects or allergic reactions after applying makeup immediately
– Results are seen immediately after treatment, 5-20% depending on the amount of fat.
– Eliminate cellulite on thighs, hips, and buttocks
-Emphasis on proportions more clearly
- Create a clear facial frame and adjust the face shape to be the same
If you're fat, will the fat come back???
Depends on diet If your weight does not increase more than 3 kilograms, fat will not accumulate on the surface of your face.
1vial contains 10cc