Aqualift Activegel 100cc
Aqualift 100g (Activegel)
It is an innovative filler injection that increases breast size, plumpness, and hips naturally. No need for surgery, no need to recover any longer. It can also be injected to enhance the nose and chin. It is commonly used in leading plastic surgery clinics. Guaranteed by European CE.
Advanced innovation for breast augmentation and hip augmentation. Beautiful as desired with hydrophilic gel water. pure like water Innovation of the only copyright in the world from the Aqualift company for more than 30 years, resulting in the most advanced innovations. Aqualift products have passed European CE standard certification since 2007 until the present.
How to use: Use Aqualift 100g for all proportions of the body, breast augmentation, hip augmentation, correcting proportion problems. Fix the bow leg problem
The difference between breast augmentation surgery and breast augmentation injections with Aqualift. Breast augmentation surgery. Had to recuperate for a week There are clearly stitched wounds. Anyone who sees their breasts knows what they've done to make them look unnatural. You have to keep massaging to prevent the fascia from clinging. And most importantly, the silicone bag will be with you for the rest of your life. As for the breast augmentation injection with Aqualift100g, there is no need to recuperate, it takes time and the beauty is completed within 1 hour. The breasts will be the size you want. There was not a single stitched wound. When injected, it only lasts for 4 years and then gradually disappears 100%, leaving no residue or fibrosis. And most importantly, it is natural.