10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.
10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.

10 Box Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg 1 Box 5 Bottle.

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Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg. 1 Box


Quality = 10 Box


With highly concentrated PPC ingredients, but the effect is to have pain after injection for about 1 minute, suitable for injecting the wattle and body, not on the cheeks, but may be a bit swollen, the drug does not burn

Eliminate excess fat............. With a formula to break down fat, stronger than before
Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg (France)
Mesofat that reduces fat very well, does not burn, does not swell, Filorga PPC Solution 7500mg (France) Mesofat that reduces fat very well. superior to conventional fat reduction injections Because the drug in the Nano molecule level is better absorbed, the injection does not bruise, does not swell for a long time (this is swelling or bruising according to the skin condition of each person's fat) because the drug is mixed to reduce swelling. Can reduce both the face, cheeks, wattle, neck and injected in various proportions for the whole body. see results quickly because the drug can be absorbed very well does not cause edema and accelerate the process of excreting fat from the body as well and faster than traditional drugs
Ingredients: PPC (Phosphatidylcholone) 6500mg Water Methyparaben Ethylparaben Sodium Deoxycholate
Package size: 10 ml x 5 vials
How to use: - Inject 1 time per week, approximately 5-10 times in a row - Inject into the fat layer approximately 0.1-12 mm. amount 0.2-0.5 cc per point, 1-2 sq cm apart.



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